I started this site so I could get use clicking the keys instead of writing on paper. I know who the heck writes anymore these days…. me …. I love writing. i love the feel of the pen sliding over the paper, I love the way my emotions can move through my body and convey themselves into words that I place upon the paper. I know that sounds a bit crazy, however, welcome to my world.  

My purpose of this site is so that I can get the same energy and feeling that I do from writing to clicking on the keyboard.  I need to loosen up and feel more instead of trying to remember where the keys are… to get the flow.. It doesn’t work as well for me as writing with the pen and paper.   I will get there, though it hasn’t been easy transition for me.. 🙂 I keep telling myself time Lor, give yourself time. LOL, its been 4 years and I still just dabble on here.

What I do find is that when you blog or write on the space provided its harder also because people see it.   LOL  I know that is the whole point right for people to see what you write and to share whatever you have going on.  I find that it is a bit more challenging because you do not want to hurt peoples feeling or offend someone you love.  I tend to write about my life, my family, my world and with that one leaves themself a bit exposed.  I admire those that can courageously write, I hope with the practice I will be able to get the flow and be able to share more and more on here.   


On the positive, I am excited to say I did WRITE A BOOK and it will be published soon

So with that it was time to build the website, another adventure I know little about and a big learning curve much like the book.  I am not sure what happens inside of me that goes I’m going to write a book or I’m going to set up a web site and allows me to think I can just do it, however, it seems to be the way I roll.  I am unsure if I lack the knowledge of knowing these are big tasks, that one may have to have a skill set or some sort of knowledge to tackle these with some ease and comfort, or if my simple thought process doesn’t allow me to acknowledge that I might not be able to do it, if failure is even an option.  Or maybe I have something inside me that just feels why not, you never know unless you try.  Isn’t it better to have tried then to not have done at all.  Isn’t it better to have published a book to share with people than to have it only for you to read, isn’t it better to have a website done than to not have one set up at all.  Sure, there will be things I will have to fix, change and adjust as I learn and go, however I am doing it.  I am sure there will be feedback on things that aren’t working or things that need adjusting so I feel at one point it will be highly functional ( fingers crossed , lol ) success will be had  

My goal for the website is for you to have a place to land, to learn what’s happening and when for book information.  I will be setting up for launch date and presales.  

Even though I will be using this site for book information I will still be using it as an outlet for me to write.  I am usually not too short on words, though I have found blogging a bit of a challenge. The goal is to have it set up in two sections to make it easier for you to navigate to what you want, book or blog…maybe both.  I have a goal of newsletters for updates, maybe I will put that on the events page?  Right now for events all I would be able to post is my next work day..   oh that”s funny.  it would read come see me I am working at TP from 5 to 12   BIG EVENT SEEING ME AT WORK…HA HA ha

Maybe I will leave events page for my grand adventures, you know visiting Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres or Brene Brown. 😉  I will figure it out.  Maybe I will just have the newsletter to be something I send out once a month.  If you want updates or newsletters, then you will have to add yourself to contact list.  I will also do my best to get paypal or something on here for presales, maybe I will make a store page.   Oh look at me, I haven’t even navigated myself through the pages I have set up and here I am adding more.  

I think I have made the menu easy to navigate through.  My heart behind bars, it the title of the book so that is where I will be putting stuff about the book.  Writing things is just that, me writing things.  

Anyways welcome. enjoy

Take sweet care,

Lorri Britt aka  LTG