Launch Date

Alright Alright Alright, we got a date. Let me tell you I am excited. I didn’t think that I was going to get here a few times I thought for sure I was dead in the water. When I started to write the book as mentioned before I had a title and that was it. I knew the story for sure, I lived it. Though as I wrote I can tell you trying to paint a picture with a pen instead of a paint brush is more work than one realizes. (Frick trying to paint a picture with a paintbrush is challenging enough for me.) They have rules apparently for writing a book. I mean, I do not know them, however, I have heard that they have them. ‘) You can see where some of the problems may have come about. lol

For myself it was how to start, how to get to the meat of it all. I had a start line: July 26th is a pretty significate day for me. My son was born on this day in 1992. On July 26, 2013 my son was arrested. On his 21st birthday his life changed significantly and so did mine. They didn’t like it.. I think I still got it in there a bit but trying to convey the impact of that statement was challenging. Writing your words and your feelings to have someone tell you to change it, or it wasn’t worded properly.. oh it was frustrating. Some things I just could not accept as the changes requested. I would take my chances on people not liking they way I wrote some things. I didn’t take writing or ever claimed to be a writer though I do love it. So at times when I would refuse or push back, I would get that little bit of doubt. That shit voice that comes in at times to tell you how you don’t know, you didn’t have training, these people do it for a living they know best, and it was tough. I don’t have training and the only thing that pushed me through was that I felt it. I knew how I felt, I knew what felt real, true and the fancy word wasn’t going to allow anyone to feel the depth of the emotion like the word I already had in place. So I stayed true to the emotion. hopefully it works well for the reader.

I got sick during the process of writing which slowed me down a bit, the editor I had at the time finished up the edits without me and submitted. Grateful she pushed it along, however the end result was a bit frustrating. I thought for sure I was going to toss in the towel. So many of my words had been changed, so many things to go through. I cried and cried and cried. Thankfully my bff (Tim) guided me through. I changed what I could in my time frame. I put as much as I could into my words, though sometimes I still see hers.. It is ok. It is as it is to be. I am here, it is done and I am still proud of the work and the accomplishment.

I learned a ton, and have so much more knowledge about writing a book than I ever did before this. I am sure I have another book or two inside me waiting to come out , For now lets focus on this one.


I will set up a store page, pre sales and such in the next little bit. I am still navigating myself around the website. I know I probably needed to pay someone however it has also been a great learning curve.

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