setting goals, following through, what does it take?

Setting goals, following through, what does it take? determination? drive? emotion? condition?  I mean honestly we all know how to set the goals, its the following through that seems to be a challenge for the most part.  Sometimes we start of strong, we know what we want so we start going for it and little by little it becomes less and less important and the drive we had in the beginning seems to disappear and its like the goal wasn’t a goal at all.. so what happens? what gets in the way? work? kids? marriage? willpower or lack of? fear of success or failure?? what?  what really happens to these goals?   I have been guilty of this many many times.. I feel it, I’m full of P and V to get going and then I go for it, only for a few weeks, a week, a day for it all to be gone.  Its not that they are crazy goals, non achievable goals.  Some of them are very healthy for me.. Like go to the gym, lose extra body weight, write more often, write a book, take a bit of time each day for me to wash and moisturize face and oh so many more things.  Things that would be very manageable.  so yet here we are again WHY?
I have a few thoughts… one I think that we don’t bother really sorting it out, we go oh I need to lose 100 pounds, I use to be super fit, I will go to the gym and then once we get there we realize hey man, I don’t feel so great at the gym…I am embarrassed, I don’t really know how to use some of the equipment, I can not lift or do the things that I use to and why the heck am I so winded by walking such a low speed for a short time?  we basically have set ourselves up for failure..cuz I can tell you that you won’t go and shame yourself like that again or your body hurts so much from doing too much too soon that you avoid the gym and then it slowly slips away from your goal list.   of course I can only use myself as an example for the simple fact that I don’t know any of you and even if I did I honestly have no clue what goes on inside you.   So that up there is me, I have been needed to loose 100 pounds for some pretty long years… I have spent money on unused gym memberships, running groups, hypnotherapy, allergy testing, weight watchers, hgc diet, you name it and I have done it except for having a plan… taking action daily… being accountable…. knowing why I wanted it and how I would feel if I achieved it.. that is something new… now I am not saying its 100% however in less than 10 days I have lost 10 lbs, sure I have more to go obviously as stated before 100lbs….now 90 that’s alright with me..i am heading in the right direction..
now weight loss isn’t my only goal, writing a book is another and I have made more process in the last week than I have in years, why because I actually started to put pen to paper, I have a friend that is helping me stay accountable to my goal, taking the same action plan as with my weight loss.
silly as it is I have committed to doing a mini facial either in the am or pm at least once a was a commitment to myself to make myself more of a priority, to value and honor myself.
I have a few other goals that I am not going to sit and list for you… I am sure they will show up at some point.
what I really wanted to touch on was goals…following through because we all know how shitty we feel when we don’t follow through.. we end up beating ourselves up..i would have gone to grad reunion if I had lost the weight like I intended, or I would fit in to my bathing suit for the holiday if I stuck to my diet, or the fit we have every time we have to find something to wear to go out for a fancy dinner or evening out period, id have more sex with my husband if I felt better about my body and so the cycle repeats with the same goal, same determination and to wind up with same end result.  So I am going to keep you posted about my journey among other things I am sure.. why…because this time so far it is different.  I am approaching it totally different.  I have a goal, I have shared my goal, I do something everyday to move myself closer and closer to my end result, I have a list of things to do to get there and I have someone that I have a check in with (so accountability not only to myself, someone else as well) and most importantly I am doing everything within my power to stop the negative self talk that happens inside my head and the things I say out loud about myself.    to be completely honest, I would say the last one has been the most challenging, to change the self talk, the story in our heads that we have replayed over and over for so many years.. very interesting  🙂
I don’t know what your struggles are or if you, like myself, have found yourself wondering why you didn’t get those goals, why you gave up on them, or if they just disappeared that hopefully you can take a new approach try some of the things I am trying and hopefully your dreams with some action will become fulfilled goals.
best of luck.. your new accountability partner..

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