quality time

well its still pretty early in the am and i am doing my best to be quiet to not wake up my husband and the dog…i got up at 415 with my daughter like i do most mornings, so we can have a coffee and chat before she heads off to do her practicum…I have had a lot of grief from people about the fact that i get up with my daughter each morning to make coffee and breakfast, she is 24 almost 25 and i have been called co dependent, enabling and that i spoil her…do you ever wonder why society has such a need to label..honestly who cares if i get up with my daughter, is it effecting anyone else except us? My daughter is finishing up her schooling and has moved back home because of the financial burden of paying for her schooling and driving back and forth to a near by town to attend..so we let her move home rent free and she has to contribute to the household, reasonable , i think so..
i get up with my daughter not because i have to because i want to..like i said she is just about 25 and pretty soon she isn’t going to live at home and eventually will have a family of her own, so why not enjoy the time that i have..i like my daughter, i enjoy her company, she is one of my favorite people to spend time with so i choose to get up at 415 or 430 and turn the coffee pot on..the coffee is just as much for me as it is for her and it takes me a whole 5 minutes to make us oatmeal…this is not a chore for me, nor is it a need…i do not get up to make her feel bad when i am angry as something to throw in her face about all i do for her, i honestly truly get up because it is a nice quiet moment for my daughter and i, to bond, to have some quality time together, an opportunity to build some moments and memories and for this i am grateful..i know soon enough that this time will end and i will miss it…
is that co dependent? is it enabling? or is it just being a parent who loves there adult child and cherishes the moments that she has?  I know that I would not do it any different, I know that I do not feel resentful for getting up, I know that it is only me that gets up because i want to, she doesn’t expect it or ask me to…It makes me feel good in my heart and I have no other attachment to it other than to spend that time with this amazing woman who i am grateful to be able to call daughter:)

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